This website contains adult material and is only suitable for those 19 years or older. Click Enter only if you are at least 19 years of age.
HOSS Glass - 10.5" 7mm Straight Bong - HOSS23
HOSS Glass - 18" Holey Beaker with Colored Top and Inner Section - Milky Green - H150
HOSS Glass - Pyramid Beaker Base - Build-a-Bong - H057 - Black
HOSS Glass - Holey Middle Perc - Build-a-Bong - H147 - Blue
HOSS Glass - Double Wall Beaker Base - Build-a-Bong - H006 - Transparent Black
HOSS Glass - Holey Beaker Base - Build-a-Bong - H146 - Milky Green
Hoss Glass - Freezer Straight Top Tube - Build a Bong - H010 - Colors Available
Hoss Glass - 22" Straight Bong w/ Double 8 Arm Tree Percs - Black - Y054
Hoss Glass - 16" Beaker Bong w/ 12 Arm Tree Perc - Milky Pink - H113c
HOSS Glass - 18" Beaker Bong w/ 8 Arm Tree Perc - Colors Available - H155
HOSS Glass - 14" Pyramid Beaker Bong w/ Colored Top - H085 - Colors Available
HOSS Glass - Triple Tree Perc Middle - Clear - Build-a-Bong
Hoss Glass - Stemless Donut Ash Catcher w/ Inverted Showerhead w/ Bowl - 14mm 45 Degree - Y306
HOSS Glass - 10" Stemless U Perc Bong 7mm - HOSS24
HOSS Glass - 7" Bubbler Rig w/ 14mm Male to Male Adapter - Colors Available - HOSS22
HOSS Glass - 15.5" 18mm Female Stemless Tree Perc Bong - Colors Available - HOSS27
HOSS Glass - 16" Colored Straight Tube Bong - Colors Available - HOSS26
HOSS Glass - 14" Debossed Logo Straight Bong - H158
HOSS Glass - Inline Ash Catcher w/ Removable Bubbler Mouth Piece - Sizes & Colors Available - H027
HOSS Glass - 16" Colored Beaker Bong w/ Window Base - Colors Available - H069
HOSS Glass - 18" Colored Beaker Bong w/ Window Base - Colors Available - H067
HOSS Glass - 8" Fixed 5 Arm 14mm Male Downstem Beaker Bong w/ Banger - HOSS30
HOSS Glass - 6" Bubbler Rig w/ 14mm Adapter & Dome - Colors Available - HOSS31
HOSS Glass - 7" Colored 10mm Male Grid Perc Rig - Colors Available - H103